Thursday, March 27, 2014

More Pictures From Boise Trip

When we were in Boise I took some pictures with my camera and some on my phone. We had such an awesome time and the kids were amazing. I love these kids so much!  The Capital Building Tour

The Discovery Center 

Playing at the Park  

Dinosaurs Day

Becky from the Idaho Museum of Natural History at ISU brought several examples of fossils to our classroom for the kids to look at and touch. It was fascinating and tied into the unit we did on dinosaurs. We had two books in our reading series that tied in too.  One was called Little Grunt and Big Egg  and the other was Mighty Dinosaurs. We had great discussions about fact and fiction as it relates to dinosaurs and the prehistoric age. Each child came up with an hypothesis about what they think happen to the dinosaurs and why they all died. They had to use scientific facts as much as they could and explain what we don't know. It was very interesting to see how their brains processed. We played paleontologists and dug bones (chocolate chips) out of hard dirt (cookies) with instruments (toothpicks). We discovered that it is very difficult to not touch the bones or break them. We also learned to draw dinosaurs. It was super fun and great learning.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We learned about St. Patrick and how was kidnapped when he was sixteen years old. He was sold into slavery but escaped when he was 23. He chose to go to Ireland and help the poor. We wrote about the difference he made in the world. We made hats to remind us about it. It was a lot of fun!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Amazing Trip to Boise

Thank you to our amazing parents for their support and to the awesome P.T.O for paying for us to go to Boise. The kids did an amazing job. It was fun to watch them figure out they could hear their echo in the Rotunda at the State Capital Building. My cousin Jan Parrish Frew took us on a remarkable tour. We got to see the Senate and House Chambers, the JPAC room, the underground walkway. We got to lay on the Mosaic on the bottom floor and look at the mural of the sun and stars at the top of the dome. I wonder if we have any future politicians in our midst?
Bus Ride to Boise. . .

Eating before the Show

Performing at the Rotunda

Tour of the Capital Building

The kids were so tired coming home but it was a wonderful day!