Sunday, December 30, 2012

Making Gingerbread Houses

We have been working on patterning in Math.  I thought it might be a lot of fun to show patterning on Gingerbread houses. Grandma Barb came in and helped the kids decorate.  She is awesome and works so well with the kids!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Big Bushy Mustaches

Our story this week was called Big Bushy Mustache. It is a story about a little boy who looks like his mom but really wants to look like his dad.  We learned about the importance of congruence and making things look equal on both side.  Each child made their own mustaches.  One of our vocabulary words was handsome.  So what do you think?  Are they handsome?  So much fun!

Thank you Firemen!

We read the story called A Trip to the Fire House in our reading book.  It was about a class that got to go on a field trip to the Fire Station.  We were unable to make the trip so the Fire Station came to us.  The firemen were awesome and showed us their fire engine and their gear.  They taught us what to do during emergencies and what the dispatch does when you call 911.  We learned that you do not have a college degree to be a fireman but you do have to graduate from High School.  They told us you probably had to go to college to be the chief.  They helped us understand our vocabulary words.  They were great.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thank You for the trees Grandma Hatton

Mrs. Commons' mother Grandma Parrish Hatton made a Christmas tree for each of our kids.  They are made with safety pins and beads.  The kids love them.  We wrote her a 'Thank You' book.  They make our classroom look very festive.

Count Down to Christmas

Our Big Buddies helped us make a chain with 22 links. Each day we take off a link except on weekends when we take off three.  Then, we write a subtraction equation to match how many links we take off. This is a really fun way to learn subtraction!

Greater Than and Less Than

Mrs. Commons' husband Terry made us some cool crocodiles to help us remember greater than and less than.  We know that the crocodile always eats the biggest number.  We learned the sign < means greater than and the sign > means less than.  The crocodiles made it a lot of fun!