Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Learning about animal habitats

We began learning about how and where different kinds of animals live. We started with hippos, which means 'river horse'. We painted their habitats which are rivers with a muddy bottom. Hippos can hold their breath for up to 10 minutes. Ask your child which animal the hippo is most closely related to.

Taking AR tests with the Mobile Laptop Lab

Our 5th grade buddies helped us read an Accelerated Reading book and take the test on it. We used the new Mobile Laptop computers. Our whole class could take tests at the same time. It was awesome!

Columbus Day

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
With three ships over the sea - ah
The Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria!

We made Columbus Day hats.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Making 'My Plate' Nutrition Charts

As part of the Dragon Gets By story in our reading books, we learned about proper nutrition. The website helped us learn about the proper things to eat to stay healthy. The students were divided into groups and used newspaper adds to correctly identify the section each kind of food would go into. We learned that most of our diets should be filled with vegetables and fruits. The next biggest section is grains, then dairy. The smallest section was proteins. There is no longer a sections for fats. By-the-way Dragon chose all of his food from the fats food group. Bad choice! Great story, fun activity!