Monday, February 20, 2012

Learning to Tell Time

Ms. Bennett is teaching the kids to tell time. They have built clocks and they played a game using their bodies to tell time on a huge clock on the floor. It was awesome.

Celebrating the 100th day of school!

Megan Bennett is our student teacher from I.S.U. She is doing an amazing job and we are thrilled to have her in our classroom. Friday, February 10th was our 100th day of school. We did a lot of interesting and fun projects to celebrate. We wrote what we would do if we had $100.00 dollars. We figured out how many pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters it takes to make $1.00. We stamped 100 alphabet letters and made words and we had a snowball fight with 100 snowballs per team. We have a pretty good understanding of how much 100 is. Big fun, great learning experiences!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

More 'Fandango Puppets'

Fandango Puppets and Folktales

Miss Ruth's InterAct Club from Century High School spent the morning with us. First, we read a Folktale called The Great Ball Game, which is a story about a bat and asks the question, are bats birds or mammals? Then, we wrote a Folktale with our Teen Teachers. We answered questions like, How did the zebra get it's stripes? Why do opossums hang upside down? Why do lionesses catch the food? Why do spiders spin webs? and many others. The stories were delightful. Last, we made 'Fandango puppets', which are paper bag puppets made to look like characters. Each team presented their story and puppets. It was so much fun to see how creative the stories were. We loved our new friends from Century! Thank you Miss Ruth and students. We had a great time and learned a lot!

More Love Bugs!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love Bugs

We read the book called "Love Bugs", then our Fifth grade big buddies helped us make a love bug. They turned so great. They are hanging on the wall outside our classroom. We love working with our Buddies. They read with us a couple of times a month. Thank you Mrs. Burton and class!

Animal Reports

We put together an Animal Alphabet Book. Each child had one letter of the alphabet and chose an animal to do a report on beginning with that letter. They taught us 6 true facts and showed us a picture. We each wrote an opinion about the most interesting fact about each animal. We have been learning the difference between fact and opinion. All 26 kids did a report. The reports were awesome and the books turned out fabulously. Great job kids, thanks parents!