Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Teen Tutors visit from Century

Ms. Ruth's class from Century High School spent the morning with us.  Each of her students worked with a small group.  First, each group brainstormed a Folktale idea, then they wrote a story and last, they made a puppet that matched the story.  Each group presented their story in a puppet show.  The teenagers were amazing and so patient and so, so, so much fun.  They went to recess with us and then let the kids read to them. They were such a great example of kindness and the importance of staying in school.  One of my kids whispered to me that she "wants to be just like them when she's teenagered".

1 comment:

  1. What a great learning activity and opportunity for the 2nd graders and the high schooler's!! It was so much fun to see everyone's creativity and performances!
