Sunday, March 3, 2013

February Fun!!!

We did a lot of fun, crazy learning in February. First, we celebrated the 100th Day of School.  Each student brought 100 things to count. Then they shared them with the class. It was interesting to have them figure out if they still had 100 objects after they shared.
We played some really fun games. We wrote what we would do if we had 100 dollars. We split into two teams. Each team was given 100 pieces of paper which they made into snowballs. Then, we had an awesome snowball fight.

Our last challenge was to have the kids figure out how to divide 200 snowballs evenly between 25 kids. They had fun using their math skills to figure it out.

Using a Rounding Road - The students made a road that was folded in the middle. We figured out that the car rolled up from 5 to the highest 10 and down from 4 to the lowest 10. This was a fun way to learn about rounding to the nearest 10.

VALENTINE'S DAY - We had a blast. We exchanged Valentines. We decorated cookies. We played games called: Heart Lava, Heart Potato and Cupid's Arrows.  We went Heart-Attacking. We attacked the Principal, Secretary and Librarian's offices. We made Love Bugs with our Big Buddies. We wrote about our adventures and did some awesome heart math. Great learning, great fun!

We Love Our Love Bugs!

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