Tuesday, January 21, 2014

P.E. means Scooter Time

For P.E. this week we went to the gym. We rode around on the scooters then we rode them through an obstacle course. Then a partner pulled us around the course.  Super fun, amazing exercise!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reading is Fun

We have completed reading the whole first book in our reading series. It is a real accomplishment considering it is over 200 pages long. With our reading buddies we got to choose our three favorite stories and read them to each other. The are some great stories in our book and it is so fun to be able to tell how much our reading and comprehension have improved!

Counting, Adding and Understanding Money

We have done many activities to learn about money. This game was called Cups of Coins. The kids worked with their learning buddies. They would run to the table and get a 'cup of coins', together they would count and then add how much they have.  Then they recorded the amount. We learned that it is easier to add the money if you count the biggest money first and separate them into dollars and then add on. We also learned that when you are writing the correct amount of money you must include a dollar or cent sign and a decimal point.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Did you know mustaches should be congruent?

Our story this week is called Big Bushy Mustache. The main idea is it's about a little boy who is often told he looks like his mother and wants to look like his father, who has a mustache. We tried a few mustaches that weren't congruent and decided they looked pretty dumb. She we learned about the 'line of symmetry' and that both sides must have equal parts to make it congruent. Each child made their own disguise (a vocabulary word) and looked very handsome (another vocabulary word).  It always amazes me how each child's turns out so differently. These kids are remarkably creative.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Learning about soft 'c' and hard 'c' and soft 'g' and hard 'g'!

We needed to learn the difference in reading words with a Cinderella 'c' (soft) and a Cat 'c' (hard). The kids were given words with 'c's in them. We had a Cinderella and a Cat. The kids taped their word on the appropriate model. The models were great sports and there was a lot of giggling!  We then learned about Giant 'g' (soft) and Green Gabe 'g' (hard). Once again they taped the 'g' words on the appropriate fellow. Big fun, especially when the kids report that they found a Cinderella 'c' or a Giant 'g' in their reading.