Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reading Buddies Rock!

What would the Royals say?

To end our unit on the Royal Welcome to Second Grade. We learned about when and where to put quotation marks. Sometimes we call them 'talk marks'. The kids were split into groups and assigned a Royal character.  As a team they had to write quotes that their character might say, we had to guess which character they had. It was really fun and the kids were very clever!
"I wear beautiful clothes." "I love my golden crown." "I have an amazing castle."  "I wear beautiful underwear made of silk," said the Princess.
 "Where is the beautiful Princess?" "I hope I will become a knight someday." "I love to wear my shiny crown and ride my horse," said the Prince.
"I hope the jewels in my crown are shiny." "I am going to send my knights to fight the bad kingdom." "The queen makes me laugh," said the King.
"I am going to burn down your castle." "I will burn up the forest." "Should I bite you or burn you with my fire?" asked the dragon.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dragon Gets By teaches us about nutrition!

In our reading book Dragon makes bad nutrition choices. We wrote about our own good and bad nutrition choices. We learned about the government's program to teach children about a balanced diet and good nutrition. It is called the Nutrition Plate.  The kids were split into teams and went through newspaper ads and matched food pictures to the appropriate part of the plate. Some of the interesting comments I heard included; "Wow, there is a lot of garbage food in newspapers.  Fruits and vegetables come in lots of different colors. There are lots of kinds of proteins. I didn't know there were some many different foods in this world." There was great team work and super fun learning!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We love to Read, Read, Read!

Each of the kids took the STAR test which determined their reading range.  Then they set a reading goal. If they reach their goal they will receive a free book to keep forever. They also listened to themselves read using a reading phone. I made the phones out of pvc pipe. They work really well to help the kids work on fluency.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Noun is a person, place or thing!

We figured out that if you can draw a picture of an item, it is a noun. We played Win, Lose or Draw with nouns. The kids drew really fun pictures. We also searched newspapers and glued nouns to the correct alphabet poster.