Monday, May 27, 2013

Fun Run, Balloon Release and Service Project at Mink Creek Nordic Center

On the day before the last day of school all of the kids in the whole school took 6 buses to the Mink Creek Nordic Center.  Each grade had a different colored shirts, except second grade.  There was a mix-up of some sort so we received yellow and green shirts.  In our class, the student-leaders wore the green shirts and the other kids and I wore the yellow shirts.  When we arrived at the center we prepared to walk or run the 5 k. course.  All of my kids and several parents participated.  It was a beautiful day.  After the fun run we ate lunch.

We had a great time eating lunch together!

To honor the two little girls, who had recently moved to Rigby from our school and were tragically killed in a car accident, their former classmates released balloons in their favorite colors. After a minute of silence and the balloon release, the whole school lined up for a picture. It was a very moving yet uniting activity.

After the whole school picture, the grades were sent to different areas of the Nordic center to fulfill different service projects.  Second and Fifth grades were sent to spread bark along the track.  They worked so hard. I was very impressed on how much each child was willing to help.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Butterflies Are Free

We raised some butterflies from tiny caterpillars. They came in a small cup.  We watched them grow and grow and grow.  They climbed to the top of the cup and made chrysalises.  We watched them shake and twist and turn and finally hatch.  We had moved the chrysalises to a butterfly net so when they hatched they flew to the oranges and the tree branches we had put in there for them. It was amazing to watch the process.  We started with six but only five survived. We let them go and watched them fly away.  It was awesome.  We also made paper caterpillars, which turned into chrysalises and hatched to become really cool, colorful butterflies. We learned about congruence as well.