Sunday, November 20, 2011

Crocodile Smiles

Learning greater than and less than was a lot of fun. My husband Terry made really fun crocodile puppets the kids used. We found out the crocodiles are 'pigs' they always eat the greatest number.

Ms. Amy teaching about citizenship!

Our 309 student Ms. Amy taught several amazing lessons about how to be a good citizen. She taught them about Clara Barton, John F. Kennedy Jr., Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln and how their good citizenship changed history. The kids took a pledge to be a good citizen and they made lists on what they can do personally. She taught them about recycling and how it can help the earth. She let the kids vote on what kind of Citizenship Party they wanted. They voted for an Ice Cream Sundae Party. The kids learned a lot and we all appreciate the work Ms. Amy put into teaching really great lessons.